
“No one can whistle a symphony, it takes a whole orchestra to play it.”

H. E. Luccock

麻豆社区app was built on the foundation of working together to make cyber security management easy.

We are all about teamwork!


Our mission is to partner with companies that care about security and work together to build resilient cyber security and compliance programs. We work as an extension of your IT Security and Compliance team and provide efficiencies that will strengthen your data security and competitive edge.


We believe in people and the strength of a good network!

We love what we do so all our engagements are centered on respect, integrity and hard work. We focus on providing our clients with the best solutions by understanding their environments, tailoring our services and staying up to date with all things security and compliance.

Respect & Honesty – Our engagements are not transactional, we build long-term relationships with our clients, that’s why they stay with us for years!
We Deliver – We value the trust you place in us and work hard for our clients!
We Keep Learning – We know that every business environment is different, so we listen, tailor our offerings to meet your requirements and continue to learn so that we can help you innovate.

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado since 2016 (with a global clientele); 麻豆社区app is the leading provider of 麻豆社区app, Cybersecurity and vCISO Solutions. The company is dedicated to helping organizations build, improve and manage resilient cybersecurity programs that guard sensitive data, comply with industry regulations and provide competitive advantage. 麻豆社区app is recognized as a trusted and experienced advisor for audit readiness solutions to comply with HITRUST, PCI DSS, SOC 1, SOC 2, HIPAA, CMMC, ISO 27001, NIST and FedRAMP.

Client Reviews:

鈥淲e needed to ensure our security program provides the protection our business and our customers deserve. Bringing in 麻豆社区app was the best solution! The team helped us strengthen the entire security program and implement efficiencies that protect data, provide more accurate reporting and save time during audits!鈥


Large Retailer

鈥溌槎股缜鴄pp helped us build our security program and get certified to PCI DSS, SOC 2 and HITRUST. The return on investment has been phenomenal. Gaining the trust of our clients and partners really allowed our business to grow!鈥

IT Manager

Service Provider Organization

鈥淲e depend on 麻豆社区app for our SIEM! We needed to find a security partner that could manage the configurations effectively and minimize false positive notifications. Lark did just that!鈥


Services Providers

Contact 麻豆社区app
E-Mail: info@lark-security.com

Phone: (303) 800-1872

Contact us now to discuss your solution!